Friday 27 August 2021

Seminar “School of the Future - School of Projects”


On August 27, in the assembly hall of the school, a planned seminar of the "Enterprising Teacher" project entitled "School of the Future - School of Projects" was held.

At the event, the school's project team talked about the project and the content of our teachers' training in Florence, Italy at the Europass Teacher Academy in April 2021.

Thursday 12 August 2021

Presentation of the training in the Europass Teacher Academy in Florence.

On June 15, 2021, a planned event of the "Entrepreneurial Teacher" project took place - the presentation of the training at the Europass Teacher Academy in Florence for the teachers of our school.

It was interesting for everyone to know how we went to Italy for training at such a difficult time of the height of the Covid pandemic. Therefore, as the founder and leader of the project, I told what incredible difficulties we had to face and how we nevertheless achieved our intended goal.

"Fun Chemistry Experiments in an Adventurous School"

Chemistry is an interesting science in itself, which is directly related to the conduct of experiments. And who, if not us, inquisitive students, "plunge" into the world of transformations and chemical mysteries?

Pupils of grade 8C, under the guidance of teachers Nadezhda Pavlyut and Inna Gorbunova, decided to learn how to experiment and teach others themselves. After all, funny and interesting experiments will help to organize and decorate a holiday not only for children, but also for adults. With their creative work, the students wanted to attract the attention of peers interested in natural sciences to research activities and show the possibility of conducting interesting experiments even at home.

Final event of the "Enterprising Teacher" project.

  Weekly newspaper "Panorama"  EST Pedagogical conference: international project "Entrepreneurial teacher" Festival of p...